The Organisation

1. The organisation shall be known as "The Garrison"


2. The aims of the organisation is to discover all aspects of the technical and social life of the gunners of the 20th Century, to pass on this knowledge through educational demonstrations to keep their memories and skills alive for future generations!.


3. To encourage a high standard of living history presentation, through research, collection of original and replica uniforms, equipment, ephemera by ‘The Garrison’ and its members.

4. To co-ordinate displays to private organisations, schools, colleges and other educational facilities, Museum’s, English Heritage sites, military establishments and other heritage sites.


5. The membership is open to anybody willing to participate in aspects of living history through re- enactment and satisfies the membership criteria, excepting the probation period to ascertain suitability and agree to the rules of ‘The Garrison’ in force at the time of joining and any subsequent additions to the rules.


6. An annual membership fee is payable on the 1st March each year.

7. The fee will be set at the A.G.M. for the forthcoming year and will cover expected administration costs, insurance, licences and other agreed costs to be met in successfully running "The Garrison".


8. The management shall be by an Executive Committee elected by the members at the A.G.M. The Executive Committee shall be a small committee of five officers of the group, the Chairman, Treasurer and three other officers agreed by the Chairmen and members at the AGM.

9. The officers of the Garrison shall be; Chairman, Treasurer, Events Officer, Publicity / Newsletter Officer, Treasurer, Safety Officer, Accuracy Officer, Quarter Master, Membership Officer. Some of these positions can be held by more than one person, other than the Chairman. The committee can co-opt other Officer to fill vacancies and where a need to have special skills on the committee.

10. The Executive Committee shall have plenary powers to undertake all they deem necessary to achieve the aims and best interests of ’The Garrison’ and or its members.


11. No member of ‘The Garrison’ will be paid for services, however the committee will decide on the level of reimbursement of agreed core administration, event costs and expenses to allow the objectives of ’The Garrison‘ to be reached.

12. The rules of the garrison will be reviewed and up-dated by the committee as they see fit. Any disciplinary matters in relation to the rules will be dealt with by the committee through investigation and action as deemed necessary to such events, the decision of which will be final.


13. The Treasurer shall keep accounts of all transactions and maintain a financial record. An account will be opened at an approved financial institution in the name of "The Garrison."

14. All cheques shall require one of three signatures, Either the Chairman, treasurer and one other approved committee member.

15. The treasurer and Quarter Master Officer will maintain an asset register detailing the assets and the place at which they are normally kept.

16. The committee will appoint an honorary auditor who shall verify the accounts.

17. The financial accounts will end on the last day of March each year.


18. The Executive Committee shall call an Annual General meeting to be held in December/January of each year. At least three weeks’ notice in writing must be given to members of the date, time and place of the A.G.M. and a framework Agenda. Nominations for the Officers posts will be sent at the same time to the last known address recorded in the membership files.

19. The Agenda shall include reports from the chairman, Treasurer and any other reports as appropriate to keep members up to date with the programme of events and aims of ’The Garrison‘.

20. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) many be called by the Executive Committee, or when requested by 10 members. Not less than 31 days notice in writing must be given to the Chairman of the item to be considered. Not less than 14 days written notice shall be given to the members of the date, time, place and agenda. The proposals should also be detailed in the notice with a response and recommendation by the committee. No other business shall be transacted at an EGM.


21. "The Garrison" can only be dissolved by a two thirds majority vote at an E.G.M. where this is the only item on the Agenda.

22. Upon a successful dissolution vote, the committee shall have the power to distribute the assets of ‘The Garrison’ to any organisation or individual as it deems appropriate, having paid for any debts owed by the organisation.


23. The constitution can only be altered by a majority vote at an AGM or EGM at least 14 days notice in writing must be given to members of the date, time and place of the meeting and the nature of the pro